Psychotropics Pharmacology
This clinical in-depth, prescriber-focused module discusses the most commonly used medications classes in the field of mental health. Topics covered include Antipsychotics, Antidepressants, Benzodiazepines, Anticholinergics and Opioids. This module gives caregivers and patients an insight in regards to basic pharmacology, indications for use, side effect profile and case-based examples of managing psychotropic medications.
Train yourself or your staff with our seamless certification and training program
Learn at your own pace, with the help of certified pharmacists. We train caregivers from the comfort and convenience of their home, and help them upgrade skills based on specific roles and modules.
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Virtual training by pharmacist
You’ll be assigned a dedicated instructor that will conduct online training, practical demonstrations, and quizzes.
Seamless certification:
Earn badges and digital certification as you complete different courses and exams. Download credentials and use them to display your expertise.